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发布时间:2020-04-12 08:49:32

资讯分类:fly  飞机  飞球  驾驶

fly1不及物动词 vi. 1.飞;飞行Several seagulls flew across the sky. 几只海鸥飞过天空。 2.驾驶飞机The pilot has flown for years. 这位飞行员已驾驶飞机多年。 3.乘飞机旅行I'll fly to London tomorrow. 我明天搭飞机去伦敦。 4.(旗帜等)飘扬;飞舞The King's banner was flying above his tent. 国王的旗帜在他的帐篷上面飘扬。 5.飞跑,飞奔;(时间)飞逝He flew out of the room. 他从房间里飞奔出来。 6.(门、窗等)突然打开[L]The door flew open. 门突然打开了。 7.逃跑[(+from)]The criminal is flying from justice. 该罪犯尚在逃。 8.(过去式和过去分词为flied)【美】打高飞球及物动词 vt. 1.驾驶(飞机)He flew a bomber during the war. 战时他驾驶过轰炸机。 2.乘(航空公司)飞机I always fly United Airlines. 我总是乘坐联合航空公司的飞机。 3.空运(乘客等)Food and medicine were flown to the area. 食物和药品被空运到该区。 4.乘飞机飞越They were the first two Englishmen to fly the Atlantic. 他们是头两个飞越大西洋的英国人。 5.悬挂(旗),升(旗)The ship was flying the British flag. 该船悬挂的是英国旗帜。 6.逃离;躲避They were forced to fly the country. 他们被迫逃离自己的国家。 7.使飞;放(风筝)Our boys are flying kites. 我们的孩子们在放风筝。 名词 n. [C]1.(帐篷的)门帘2.(衣服纽扣或拉链等的)遮布Your fly is open. 你(裤子)的拉链没拉上。 3.(棒球)高飞球fly2名词 n. 1.苍蝇2.虫形鱼钩3.蝇类虫害

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