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发布时间:2020-04-12 08:55:56

资讯分类:gcc  编译器  开发工具  安装  要有  下载  衍生


./configure --prefix=/usr


make install (要有权限)


在gentoo下:emerge gcc

在debian或其衍生版下:apt-get install gcc



  在CentOS 7和RHEL 7系统上如何安装Gnu GCC编译器和相关的工具比如:autoconf,automake,flex, c++编译器等工具。我们可以通过在centos 或者rhel 7 系统上安装下面的软件包来搭建基本的开发环境。     autoconf    automake    binutils    bison    flex    gcc    gcc-c++    gettext    libtool    make    patch    pkgconfig    redhat-rpm-config    rpm-build    rpm-sign  显示当前系统的yum group,使用下面的命令:   yum group list  命令输出:   [root@itsprite /]# yum group list  Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks  There is no installed groups file.  Maybe run: yum groups mark convert (see man yum)  Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile    * base: mirrors.btte.net    * extras: mirrors.btte.net    * updates: mirrors.btte.net  Available environment groups:    Minimal Install    Infrastructure Server    File and Print Server    Basic Web Server    Virtualization Host    Server with GUI    GNOME Desktop    KDE Plasma Workspaces    Development and Creative Workstation  Available Groups:    Compatibility Libraries    Console Internet Tools    Development Tools    Graphical Administration Tools    Legacy UNIX Compatibility    Scientific Support    Security Tools    Smart Card Support    System Administration Tools    System Management  Done  安装GCC和开发环境  输入下面的命令:   yum group install "Development Tools"  安装完之后,使用下面的命令来验证gcc是否安装成功:   whereis gcc  命令输出:   [root@itsprite /]# whereis gcc  gcc:/usr/bin/gcc /usr/lib/gcc /usr/libexec/gcc /usr/share/man/man1/gcc.1.gz  输入下面的命令来查看gcc工具的版本:   [root@itsprite /]# gcc --version  gcc (GCC) 4.8.2 20140120(Red Hat 4.8.2-16)  Copyright (C)2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO  warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  测试GCC编译器  下面我们使用刚安装好的GCC编译器来编译一个c语言程序.  创建下面的test.c程序:   #include  int main(void){    printf("Hello World!n");    return0;  }  输入命令编译test.c 文件:   gcc test.c -o test  执行编译后的文件:    ./test  Hello World!

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